Monday, August 19, 2013

"My Christmas with Mother Teresa" Is Now Complete!

Great news! More than five years after beginning the work, I have now completed a final draft of my second book, entitled My Christmas with Mother Teresa, and have begun the process of locating a publisher. This book tells the amazing never-before-told true story of how the Missionaries of Charity and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) worked together to bring emergency humanitarian aid to some ten million Bengali refugees who flooded eastern India in 1971. The written account is based on my personal interviews with John Mathews, the now retired CRS Program Director who spent nine years (1969 - 77) in India working side by side with Mother Teresa helping the poorest of the poor. The book tells how he and Mother Teresa organized and directed this massive charitable undertaking for the East Pakistani refugees--and how he was unexpectedly given the opportunity of a lifetime to spend one very special Christmas with "the Saint of Calcutta". Details of the book's publication and availability will be coming soon here on my blog, so please stay tuned!

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